chartered wealth manager accredited financial analyst financial planner ISO 9001 CHEQS 

AFA Accredited Financial Analyst - Financial Planner Certified Chartered Certifications ™



List of Accreditations and Alliances with GAFM


  1. GAFM Standards & National Business School Accredited Programs - Over 800 USA Accredited Business schools offer courses, programs and exams that count for GAFM certificatons. [LINK]
  2. GAFM has: TUV Accreditation -  The GAFM/AAPM International Board of Standards has accreditation from the TUV in Europe. Re-Accredited 2016-2017
  3. GAFM is  ISO 29990 Certified -  GAFM/AAPM are ISO Certified for Training. The First USA Certification body to achieve this Accreditation 
  4. GAFM is ISO 9001 Certified - GAFM IBS Board of Standards is ISO Certified for Quality Standards.
  5. GAFM is in Alliance wiht the CHEQS Council of Higher Education Quality Group - The GAFM ® Board of Standards is a founding member of the quality assurance standards memorandum of the CHEQS International Quality Group. 
  6. GAFM/AAPM is in alliance with the Society of Professional Engineers Europe.   SPE Society of Professional Engineers
  7. GAFM - Arab League & Academy Recognition - The Arab Academy belonging to the Arab League directly recognizes the Certifications of GAFM and AAPM in a diplomatic agreement. 
  8. BNSP Government Accreditation - Asia
  9. GAFM has dedicated USA Accredited Law School Programs - Wealth Management Certification - ABA Recognized Law School
  10. GAFM has dedicated Law School Courses at Texas A&M University Law Schools Graduate Program





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